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Conservtion Commission Mitues 08/17/05
Date:           August 17, 2005
Time:           4:00 PM
Location:       Wellfleet Senior Center

Commissioners Present:  Co-Chair Ginie Page, Co-Chair John DiBlasio, Cyndi Moe, Abby Franklin, Dottie Dolan, and Paul Banner

Staff Present:  Hillary Greenberg, Conservation Agent, David Flaherty, Assistant Conservation Agent, and Christine Bates, Committee Secretary

Meeting called to order at 4:08 P.M. by Co-Chair John DiBlasio  

Business Meeting:

David Flaherty reported he spoke with the Boriskin’s regarding the old boat that was acting as a dock for a sunfish.  He explained to the Boriskin’s once holes or pipes are put into a structure, it becomes a dock and they would have to come before the Conservation Commission for approval.  Mrs. Boriskin stated she would remove the sunfish from the location.  He also reported the patio block was taken out.  

It was reported there would be an Open Space Meeting on August 24 at Town Hall regarding the Wesley Swamp.  The Open Space Committee wants to call it a vernal pool.  Beach clean up is scheduled for August 27, starting at 10:00 am.   Flaherty reported Fred Willecke’s property is per the plan.  Fencing was installed on the Zelinski property and they were advised to come before the Commission.  Flaherty was advised by the Selectmen to write a letter to the Kandel’s regarding the fencing on Town property, noting that if they did not remove it, the Town would.

Banner reported the Alternative Energy Committee decided on five locations which include White Crest Beach area, School grounds, land fill, the Boy Scout Camp, or Marconi Beach.  They will make recommendations to the Selectmen and the group that has the money will make a determination which site to use.  The Committee learned that the National Seashore is planning on erecting a turbine at Highland Center.  Banner also reported the Comprehensive Planning Committee received statistics and will start writing the report in September.  The Cape Cod Commission will add recommendations.  He noted the non-resident taxpayer’s committee has been active in the Committee.

Banner asked the Board if Abby Franklin has to recuse herself each time a case abuts Audubon’s property because she is an employee.  Flaherty stated because she receives money, it would be best to recuse herself; however, she could ask applicants if they objected to her participating in their case.

Ginie Page moved to approve meeting minutes of August 3, 2005 with recommended amendments; seconded by Dottie Dolan; passed 5-0.

Agent Greenberg stated a Jurisdictional Opinion is needed for removing a dying tree.  Vista pruning would require a Request for Determination, defining area to be pruned.  

Banner suggested the Committee review previous meeting minutes from 2004 and 2005 for any open items/projects that need to be reviewed and addressed.  Cyndi Moe will review January and February, DiBlasio will review March and April, Ginie Page will review

May and June, Dottie Dolan will review July and August,  Paul Banner will review September and October, and Ed Reynolds will review November and December.  

Public Hearings:

5:00    Belko, Certificate of Compliance, 110 Blue Heron Road, Map 42, Parcel 100.  Cyndi Moe made a site visit and reported the work was complete.  She noted the driveway was circular instead of what was approved.  Moe moved to approve the C of C; seconded by Ginie Page; passed 5-0.

5:05    Norgeot and the Town of Wellfleet Shellfish Dept., NOI, Kelp Restoration Project off Great Island (Cont’d from 11/17/04).  Skip Norgeot and Andy Koch, Shellfish Constable, reported a DEP number had been assigned.  The Shellfish Constable will oversee the project.  The Army Corp. of Engineering will provide buoys for the area.  Norgeot reported the pipes being used are 80 to 100 years old, which are biodegradable.  Norgeot stated instruments will be used to video the project.  Ginie Page moved to approve the project with conditions, seconded by Abby Franklin, passed 6-0.  Andy Koch will supervise the project.  

5:15    Harborside Village Coop Corp., NOI, Harbor Lights Circle and Weatherly Ave., Map 20, Parcel 19:  Replace up to 20 trailers.  Doug Heely from Environmental Strategies and Management, Inc. and Liz Stansell from Harborside Village Coop Corp. represented the applicants.  An overview of the project was presented, stating a one-for-one trailer replacement was planned with increased trailer sizes.  No DEP number had been received.  The Commission stated this project will be covered with only one DEP number because it is considered one parcel.  A new plan will be submitted identifying tree locations, decking, walkways, stairs, landings, and delineation of wetlands.   Banner requested the applicant identify lot coverage and the percentage each trailer will be allowed to expand in the future.  Moe stated any outdoor showers need to be connected either to septic or use a dry well.   Gail Laurena and Linda Anderson of Harborside Village stated they respect the land and want to do the right thing regarding conservation issues.  Moe moved to continue to September 7, 2005; seconded by Ginie Page; passed 6-0.

Cyndi Moe moved to adjourn the meeting at 5:45; seconded by Abby Franklin; passed 6-0.

Respectfully submitted,

Christine Bates
Committee Secretary